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Home » Photo Checklists » Ecuador » E Ecuador WildSumaco Lodge » E-4 Skippers, Spreadwings Pyrginae » Gorgopas chlorocephala KG 101809 Znc ECc.jpg
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Sostrata grippa KG 103009 WlSm EC 005c.jpg
Telemiades centrites myb EC WldSumaco TH 09APR11 D 6689c.jpg
Telemiades centrites myb EC WldSumaco TH 09APR11 V 6690c.jpg
Trina geometrina EC WldSumaco BBt 08APR11c.jpg
Achlyodes mithridates thraso EC Cplnga KWd 20MAR11 0746c.jpg
Anisochoria pedaliodina EC Napo PntPll KG 10APR11 D 174c.jpg
Anisochoria pedaliodina EC Napo PntPll KG 10APR11 V 381c.jpg
Astraptes fulgerator EC WldSumaco KWs 30DEC09 002c.jpg
Astraptes fulgerator EC WldSumaco KWs 31DEC09 002c.jpg
Camptopleura termon KG 102909 WlSm EC 005c.jpg
Ebrietas anacreon EC Cplnga PDP KG 22MAR11 004c.jpg
Gorgopas chlorocephala KG 101809 Znc ECc.jpg
Mylon cajus myb EC WldSmc KG 08APR11 166c.jpg
Mylon maimon or cajus EC WldSumaco IH 08APR11 1303c.jpg
Mylon sp KG 102809 WlSm EC 005c.jpg
Potamanaxas thestia thestia F EC Sumaco RC 01ix09c.jpg
Sostrata grippa EC Sumaco EP 01ix09 Vc.jpg
Sostrata grippa KG 103009 WlSm EC 005c.jpg
Telemiades centrites myb EC WldSumaco TH 09APR11 D 6689c.jpg
Telemiades centrites myb EC WldSumaco TH 09APR11 V 6690c.jpg
Trina geometrina EC WldSumaco BBt 08APR11c.jpg
Achlyodes mithridates thraso EC Cplnga KWd 20MAR11 0746c.jpg
Anisochoria pedaliodina EC Napo PntPll KG 10APR11 D 174c.jpg
Anisochoria pedaliodina EC Napo PntPll KG 10APR11 V 381c.jpg
Astraptes fulgerator EC WldSumaco KWs 30DEC09 002c.jpg
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