
I've dismissed this guy in the past...quite a history in Oregon. However...
I read something by Osho this morning that yielded a No Shit -
I read the line to Kim, and to my utter surprise, she disagreed. She said the whole purpose of wanting to be a Christian was to achieve ever lasting life in Heaven. What? In fact, she said, that's the whole purpose of all the religions, to guarantee an afterlife of some sort if you follow the rules.
Where have I been? I frankly thought that notion was for idiots. Rather, as Osho said, if you want to really be a Christian, be a Christ. The same with Buddhism, and all the rest. And it's not "I want to be like Mike", or I want to be Mike - it's that the various adepts present an achievement that is worthy of note, is an inspiration that it is possible for each of us to achieve....that is to be Christlike is not to emulate or mimi his behavior but to become a fully genuine self.
I read something by Osho this morning that yielded a No Shit -
The line that got me is underlined.Osho wrote:The whole past of man is, in different ways, a history of exploitation. And even the so-called spiritual people could not resist the temptation to exploit. Out of a hundred masters, ninety-nine percent were trying to impose the idea that, "Without me you cannot grow, no progress is possible. Give me your whole responsibility." But the moment you give your whole responsibility to somebody, unknowingly you are also giving your whole freedom.
And naturally, all those masters had to die one day, buth they have long lines of slaves: Christians, Jews, Hindus, Mohammedans. What are these people? Why should somebody be a Christian? If you can be someone, be a Christ, never be a Christian. Are you absolutely blind to the humiliation when you call yourself a Christian, a follower of someone who died twon thousand years ago?
I read the line to Kim, and to my utter surprise, she disagreed. She said the whole purpose of wanting to be a Christian was to achieve ever lasting life in Heaven. What? In fact, she said, that's the whole purpose of all the religions, to guarantee an afterlife of some sort if you follow the rules.
Where have I been? I frankly thought that notion was for idiots. Rather, as Osho said, if you want to really be a Christian, be a Christ. The same with Buddhism, and all the rest. And it's not "I want to be like Mike", or I want to be Mike - it's that the various adepts present an achievement that is worthy of note, is an inspiration that it is possible for each of us to achieve....that is to be Christlike is not to emulate or mimi his behavior but to become a fully genuine self.