The Storyteller

Whatever comes to mind

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Re: The Storyteller

Postby datura on Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:43 pm

Maiv, Im going to tell you a story what happened to me at work. Maybe its relatable - or not. Who knows, so ill throw it out.

I have a pt job also at a little store out here. I like it, great boss, employees, its cool. Last night, the shift supv had to make sure store was straightened, had a list from the regional 'things to do.' Etc. Was stressing about getting it all done before the visit. You know, when they walk thru, see if all was done, and typically they find something wrong.

So we werent able to finish it totally. So I told her, 'well, lets look at this for a minute. Even if you had finished all of it, he would still find something wrong. Because thats what regionals do. They go thru stores, find anything wrong that they can, and write a list. And they have to because, if they didnt find something 'wrong,' they would have no reason to exist." She and the other employee laughed to death. Because it is true, and it makes sense. A regionals only position is to go thru stores and find what is 'wrong.' If they find nothing 'wrong' then what would be their purpose, to exist? They wouldnt have one, no reason, no-thing. So if all goes right, what are they needed for?

So their job is to go thru after others have worked hard to make it all 'right,' find things wrong, be the 'big wig,' and make others feel 'small.' That they 'failed' in getting it 'all right.' In reality, its a big game however - of them needing their purpose to exist.

Do you possibly see a co-relation with ego, in this? Say the 'big' and the 'small' were really one being? If we eliminated one, what would become of the other?
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby datura on Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:51 pm

Strange, as Id said Id 'tell a little story,' id forgotten the title of this thread was dubbed, 'The Storyteller.'
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby Gonzo on Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:52 pm

datura wrote:Strange, as Id said Id 'tell a little story,' id forgotten the title of this thread was dubbed, 'The Storyteller.'

The nagual at work?
Is that so?
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby datura on Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:53 pm

Gonzo wrote:
datura wrote:Strange, as Id said Id 'tell a little story,' id forgotten the title of this thread was dubbed, 'The Storyteller.'

The nagual at work?

Ah perhaps! Stranger things have happened! :D
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby datura on Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:54 pm

Ah and I labeled it 'little' afterwards, but hadnt said little initially LOL! Little big little big aha!

I said little store tho - in comparison to what? Big stores - oh.... hmm....
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby Gonzo on Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:57 pm

datura wrote:Ah and I labeled it 'little' afterwards, but hadnt said little initially LOL! Little big little big aha!

I said little store tho - in comparison to what? Big stores - oh.... hmm....

C'mer, little girl, let me tell you a story....
Is that so?
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby datura on Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:10 pm

Gonzo wrote:
datura wrote:Ah and I labeled it 'little' afterwards, but hadnt said little initially LOL! Little big little big aha!

I said little store tho - in comparison to what? Big stores - oh.... hmm....

C'mer, little girl, let me tell you a story....

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Re: The Storyteller

Postby Red Heart on Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:08 am

I can hear the nagual laughing...

This morning I was watching early morning television in awe of the wonderful news of President-elect Obama's this part of the world at 6:15 there is a religious kind of thought of the day program, the subject this morning almost made me drop my coffee cup...right and wrong...depends on who you talk to, there is no right or wrong only God is right. His opening quote was a musician was asked what was good music...he said "if I like it its good." Then the preacher guy started talking about what is good or bad when compared to God...Dont know about the God thing, BUT to me it was an eye opening experience...I guess you had to be there.

I must say that every "bad" memory that I could ever conjure has been bubbling up. I have been finding comfort in "touching" the feeling of knowing that I do not know who I am, I am a limpid pool of....nothing. I find that strangely comforting. So the "storyteller" is telling the stories, I am listening only with the intent of recapping whatever seems to be defining or uncomfortable or anything that I feel will define me. Very very uncomfortable, yet revealing
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby datura on Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:42 am

The thing is, those synchronicities which occur at what feels like the 'perfect' time. We keep open for those experiences it helps us to become alert in the dream, and aware.
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby datura on Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:45 am

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Re: The Storyteller

Postby Red Heart on Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:30 pm

Great. Yeah, and when we identify with that interpretive 'voice' and go with it, we would swear that the interpretation was not an 'interpretation' but 'how it really is' because it is then experienced as 'reality'. This thread you are pulling can unwind the whole fabric (as in 'fabrication' LOL) eventually.

So what do you do with it when you KNOW it is a lie, yet gets repeated over and over? Im ready to pull more.
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby Malcolm on Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:14 pm

Maiveeta wrote:
Great. Yeah, and when we identify with that interpretive 'voice' and go with it, we would swear that the interpretation was not an 'interpretation' but 'how it really is' because it is then experienced as 'reality'. This thread you are pulling can unwind the whole fabric (as in 'fabrication' LOL) eventually.

So what do you do with it when you KNOW it is a lie, yet gets repeated over and over? Im ready to pull more.

Let it do it's thing. If that is difficult, ask yourself why you want it to stop repeating and what you think that will achieve. You no longer identify with that interpretive voice as 'you', but are identifying with a 'you' that hears it and doesn't want to? Are these two really the same thing in a fake double act? Is there a you even further up this ladder who impassively watches both illusory versions of 'you' below and has no desire to to change anything?

More pragmatically, in my experience, this voice begins to quiet down a bit anyway after a while of being simply observed without being resisted.

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Re: The Storyteller

Postby Red Heart on Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:40 am

Is there a you even further up this ladder who impassively watches both illusory versions of 'you' below and has no desire to to change anything?

funny thing this sentence...I didnt know that not doing anything was an doing do do oriented, never just ok with what is...interesting concept
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Re: The Storyteller

Postby Malcolm on Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:30 pm

Maiveeta wrote:
Is there a you even further up this ladder who impassively watches both illusory versions of 'you' below and has no desire to to change anything?

funny thing this sentence...I didnt know that not doing anything was an doing do do oriented, never just ok with what is...interesting concept

Doing things is fine, but being identified in the apparent 'you' that does them and tries and sometimes succeeds and sometimes fails is to hitch your wagon to the drama. Which is also fine, if that's what you want. The 'you' that gives an internal commentary, the 'you' that tries to resist the internal commentary or stop it and has an idea of the space it wants to get to which will be 'better', the 'you' which tries to avoid both of these 'you's and tries to be a you which is impassive....perhaps they are all just incarnations of the same thing? And they are all fine. They all create drama or movement in the story. I'm suggesting however, that there may be a 'you' which simply watches all these faux 'you's as they move toward and away from things and even each other in a big dramatic swirl of 'life' and is perfectly still and content - not that it tries to be, but is. The trick, perhaps, is to not identify with all of the 'you's playing in the story, those in motion, either moving away from or towards things. They don't necessarily have to change, but you can realize they are not You. Realizing this may in itself, cause them all to calm down a bit, seeing as they no longer are fed the fuel of identification. Thoughtforms thrive on thought.

Steadily shedding and shifting identification with these increaingly freer incarnations of self is kind of ladder climbing - Ascension - evolutionary process within what McKenna calls 'Human Adulthood', it's part of the story. Realizing that none of these versions of 'you', no matter how advanced, are really You, is Enlightenment.


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Re: The Storyteller

Postby Red Heart on Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:04 pm

So last night I had a long talk with my husband about all this stuff...his reply brought me back to "reality". His reply to my long and drawn out dirge was this "dismount your pity pony, and get over yourself" Wow! thanks for the pity...wha wha wha??? HUH? Pity party???? What do you mean? This is serious stuff here....oh. I get it...Mr. Enlightened :sal Um, yeah BUSTED. Thats all this is. I create the drama, the tension, the fury, bleh. All me. When I believe my own schtick is where I get into trouble. So, I stopped. Started letting life be life again, not trying to micromanage my thoughts, and yet again find this all incredibly amusing...for now.
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