Gonzo wrote:It would help to have a sense of humor...regardless of Naguals, we're all in this shit together. One thing don Juan and don Genaro did was have some good laughs. Folk ought to lighten up a bit.
Yea G, but it's not quiet that easy. Or, perhaps it's easy but not simple. Or, is it the other way around??
If one is filled with ego/self importance/personal history like TPN, how much laughing would YOU do???
What's that old line? When you laugh, the world laughs with you; when you cry, you cry alone.
Oh, but being alone....conjures up cool beliefs of the solitary warrior, etc., etc. Yea, right. That leads to another lesson not-yet-learned, being available and un-available. Hiding is not the same as being un-available... But, I digress....
Here's the point, G.
Gonzo, did you ever get caught doing something you were not supposed to be doing? 'Hand in the cookie jar' sort of deal? Caught stealing something from the store? Parents bust you doing something you shouldn't?
I'm sure this has happened to all of us.
IMHO of course, this is the real reason behind TPN's 'recognition by rejection.' This method has been employed (by her) for years now...it just seems she's kicking it up a notch.
"Errr....I'm not following, Kris...."
Let me explain...
TPN was busted. Flat-ass busted as a habitual liar and a fraud. It's obvious to anyone who looks or see's that there are no Nagual attributes....not even a resemblence to anything even remotely associated to the Warriorsway, either. This was further confirmed with a face-to-face meeting. Many others have figured this out without a face-to-face meeting, but I just wanted confirmation, or, you can say I'm just slow.
I mean, creating a sock puppet to talk to yourself on your own discussion board? Wowza.....
Now, let me ask you again: How did you feel when you've been busted? Well, usually not too good. What I've found is that I'm more angry at myself than anyone else for not planning and manipulating better so I wouldn't have been caught. This is the case, here. I think you disagree with me on this point that she truly 'believes' in herself, but from what I've seen this is not the case, via re-action. She was flat-ass-busted and pissed at herself for getting caught.
So G, how can you expect TPN to light-up when she's been revealed as a fraud to the entire Sorcerer/Nagualism/Toltec community?
It's an excellent stalking manuveur if she can use it, but we all know that's not going to occur. She's (by her own admission) 'done,' crossed the finish line, waiting for the Eagle, Nirvana, whatever....
This line above, is another interesting point. The perspective of, "She's the Teacher, everyone else is the student." Or, "I've got all the answers, there's nothing more to learn..."
Let me make a comparison with TPN and Curtis Sensei, or even Tohei Sensei for that matter. Tohei is the founder of ShinShin Toitsu Aikido, one of only two ever awarded the hightest rank in Aikido, 10th dan. I've had the good fortune to meet him and work with him on several occasions, and as you know, I pester Curtis Sensei all the time. He's no slouch either, 8th dan, one of the highest ranking in the world.
Both are ever the student. Both seem guided by something 'out-of-this-world,' yet, are always learning from others, especially students, or, from humans in general. This has been demostrated over and over, in face-to-face meetings with both of them.
This is obviously not the case with TPN. Now, what does this demonstrate to you? Well, to me, it's a sign of someone who's locked in fear, a hopeless egomaniac. Just in the Skype chat a week or two ago....there was this 'air of superiority.' Chuckles. My dear, respect is earned, not given. This reminds me of the comments by Dan in Neither Wolf Nor Dog, about Rulers vs Leaders, but again I digress.
So once again I ask you, you're looking for a lightening up? It is just not possible. Well, perhaps possible, as anythings possible...yet again, it's not going to occur.
P.S. - Oh, and another favorite line used by TPN. As a Nagual or supreme being or whatever self-appointed folks want to call themselves, this line of bullshit enters: We, as Naguals, are not bound by mere words written by CC or anyone else...we just go with the flow and make it up as the Great Spirit dictates. (Something to that affect...add your own cool lines you've heard about this through-out the years.)
Nice out.
Let me remind you: No belief is true. If you even begin to think that perhaps only one belief is true, then all beliefs must then be true, correct? That's the rub. If one is to use CC as the authority on Naguals or whatever, then you must assume that what he states is true, correct? Thusly, if you start making up your own rules, where do you draw the line?
This part mentioned above is truly entertaining. "Let's take a bit from here and there...this fits my belief system and works, so I'll keep it...I can't demonstrate this so I'll throw it out, etc., etc." Do you see how this works? Once you open the flood gates, when do you close them?
TPN worked it for awhile. O's grand statements (in the beginning) were right fine. Yet, they were never taken to task, by her or anyone else (back in the day). There was no true experience there by TPN, so of course one soon comes to realize it's just words copied from another source. Not bad, all in all, until TPN started claiming them for herself. This was proven in our face-to-face meeting, when nothing said in posts could be expounded upon. It's like reading a book about swimming, then stating you know how to swim. If said is pressed, it's only a cool theory, a belief. This was the case.
Now, I've left a lot of loop-holes in this post for a reason. Speculation, if I may.
It's a discussion board, let's discuss.
P.S.S. - "Kris, why are you concerned"? It's a learning experience for me, and others. Why is it a taboo to bring out the obvious? I'm 'concerned' with Curtis and others words as well. This is one way to learn, learn about our 'self.' Not myself, but ourselves, including TPN. The doors been left open for her as well, yet it's unfortunate that she can't see the door or the opening, let alone walk through it.